Friday, June 5, 2009

Too long since I last signed in. My oldest daughter graduated from high school!!! I am feeling...OLD.... My 14 year old started her first job. She's working at a summer camp as a CIT (counselor in training)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I started the morning with one thought. Lord what am I suppse to be doing? Whats my purpose? How can I get it all to balance and fit together...

-Today I finally started the deep clean at the salon. It gets so cluttered so fast.

A picture of one of the color many tubes of 5NN does one person need?
The Shades EQ drawer...I think I'll tackle that tomorrowA day of clients, cleaning and attempts at organizing then its off to Jeanettes first official softball game!

She hit the ball first ime at bat!!!

run, Run, RUN!!! and she'!

She stole second base!!!

Running for home plate!!! Go Jeanette!!!
oh no!
out :(

But we won 12 to 7
Good game ladies

I started the morning with one thought. Lord what am I suppse to be doing? Whats my purpose? How can I get it all to balance and fit together...

Monday, May 4, 2009

I wanted to stay in my pj's all day. Woke up at 5:45 to get Jeanette up for school. Dosed on the couch until Evelyn needed to wake for her morning. My wonderful husband, Dave, hung out in the kitchen all morning. We have very little space to prep food and cook and really only one person can do it at a time. I just wanted to get my coffee going. I'm a brat if I don't get my coffee. When I travel I take my own coffee maker, coffee, creamer, mug.

Me looking cool for my class today

Well, I had a great class today at a salon in Indianapolis. 15 stylists attended. Most of the attendees had 20 years plus experience with hair color. Sometimes that can be intimidating...but lately I have tried to really reinforce the concept of 'excellence' in the salons I visit. The idea that no matter how good we are, how skilled or creative we are, there is always some area we can work on or some new level of excellence that we can strive for. I had fun today.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

some pictures from some of my adventures so far in 2009
this is a tarpon I caught while fishing with my Dad and Step-mom in Stuart Florida on the St Lucie River. My Girls, Evelyn and Jeanette at my Dads in Stuart FL
South Beach Miami FL

Venice Beach California

The Pier at Venice Beach California

Easy Day

-Had an easy day. Every Sunday my husband wakes at 5am and does all the laundry in town and I clean the house. Wake the youngest at 8am and off to bible study and meeting for worship at Greenfield Friends. Today the topic was Christs command to love one another. We had a new woman show up. She was searching for a new church. She says she is tired of the judgementalism, racism and hell/fire/damnation style preaching. She referred to our meeting as 'modern'. MODERN?!? LOL...Our music is from the 1800's. Our decor is truley 'quaker'. Our message is traditional quaker. It made me smile and laugh.
-A picture of Evelyn-

-I took the youngest, Evelyn, fishing at a little pond near our home. We always have good luck catching bluegil. Not today. Not even a bite. We used bread as our bait. Ev says we need to use worms. The fish know the difference.

-At 3pm Ev and I went to Noblesville Friends for a concert. It was soooo great to hear the big organ booming. I've really missed the music since changing meetings. After the concert it was fellowship with home made pies and cookies. Visiting with friends old and new.

-Home in time to make stir fry and get the girls ready for another week of school. Now I need to prep for a class I'm teaching tomorrow.